Thursday, October 16, 2008

Due date

It is so funny that you two "Natalie and Jessica" were the first to see my ultrasound pictures because we are all three due in like the same week! I am due Feb. 26th even though they are going to enduce me a week or so earlier because of my complications I had with Jayde. You two are having your first so you are more likely to be late. I am so excited for you guys that you're finally pregnant!! Just wait you will not believe how you went so long without your little angel!!


Jessica Reeves said...

I can't believe we are due in the same week! That is so funny! I can't wait to find out what you're having! Is it killing you not to know yet? I don't think I could do it! I've been meaning to call you so we can chat but have been a little busy at work lately. The time difference makes it hard too because I don't want to call too late!

Natalie said...

OH CUTE! You were thinking of me. lol I'm already jealous that you'll probably have your baby first. I'm already uncomfortable! Had a Dr. appointment today. She said I really "popped" this month. Not sure what she meant by that but here's a hint: I'M HUGE! lol